
SSH& is a non-profit housing organisation (foundation) with an ANBI-status RSIN 3469062

“We are there for students who want to get more out of their student days. With us you make friends for life, you experience 101 'first times', you are inspired by the world around you and you are an active part of society yourself. We are SSH& together.”

Our story

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Our mission

SSH& provides enough, good and affordable housing and associated services. 

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Our organisation

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Our target groups

We are here for students who want to are looking for student housing in Nijmegen or Arnhem. We mainly house full-time students and International Phd Candidates

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Tenants' association SPH

SSH& has an active tenants' organisation: Stichting Platform Huurdersbelangen (SPH). 

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We work together with our tenants, partners and suppliers. Want to know more about cooperation partners?

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We are a public service organisation and do our work in intense interaction with our environment.

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Whistleblower regulations

The whistleblower policy describes how a report is handled.

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External confidant

Anyone who discovers (suspected) wrongdoing or integrity violations can report them in confidence.

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We have laid down our principles and frameworks for structuring and executing procurement tasks in a Vision on commissioning. 

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