Checklist for living on your own

Finally, you’re going to be living on your own! But what do you actually need to sort out before moving? There’s more that needs your attention than you think. Of course, thinking about interior design is all well and good, but how do you arrange your new room in the most practical way possible?


What you need when living on your own. You’ve already found a house, so that’s all sorted. We’ve made a checklist of everything you need to sort out before you start living on your own.

  1. Furniture for your house. It’s really good fun that you can decorate your entire place the way you want it. New furniture can be expensive. Take a look at - you’ll find the best stuff for a good price there. Think about what furniture you really need first, and leave out any extraneous items.
  2. Stuff for your home, since you don’t just need furniture but a lot of other things besides. Make yourself a list of everything else you need. Think about pans, crockery, coasters - basically, everything for the kitchen, as well as household products such as cleaning stuff.
  3. Gas, water and light. Have you thought about how this will work in your new home yet? This is all sorted in almost all SSH& housing. If this isn’t the case, then you need to look for an energy company. You can use price comparison sites to see which energy company is the best choice for you.
  4. Arrange your insurance. Suddenly having to sort this out yourself can be a little stressful. You’re responsible for your stuff now, so you’re also responsible if anything gets stolen or breaks. Make sure you take out liability insurance and contents insurance.
  5. Let the government know you’re moving. You might be moving from a different municipality. Then you’ll have to register with the new one. Passing on your new address to companies you often get post from is also useful.
  6. Internet provider. Because, well, we can’t really do without the internet anymore, right? So make sure you start looking for a provider near you in time. In most cases, this is already sorted, but this isn’t always the case.
  7. And last of all: go and enjoy. Moving into a room is stressful, but it’s really fun too. Invite your friends, arrange a housewarming party and enjoy your new place!