Going out in Arnhem

After a hard week of studying, you want to be able to blow off steam and unwind. Luckily, Arnhem’s the perfect city for this.

The diverse city of Arnhem

Arnhem is home to cosy cafés, restaurants and lounges. Whether you want to catch up with your friends at the pub or prefer to dance in a club, Arnhem has all the ingredients you need for a good night out.

Nice and close to home

When you’re organising a night out with friends, you often run into a problem: someone will find it too far to travel, someone else won’t have transport back home. You can’t stay out too late or there won’t be any more trains running. It’d definitely be much nicer if you could just cycle or walk home after an evening out. Then you don’t have to worry about accidentally waking your parents up as soon as you open the door either.

Room lottery

You can respond to vacant houses or rooms every Wednesday at 12.00 pm with SSH&. You can respond until the following Wednesday at 11.00 am. Then the lottery system decides who gets the room. You can respond to 1 room or house per week and only if you’re a student.


Are you interested in a place in Arnhem? Then register with us quickly. Once you’ve completed your profile and submitted a valid study certificate, you can start drawing lots for available rooms right away.
